Investment Commentary

Observations During Q1…

OUR LABOR PUZZLE……. It has continued to be the case that labor shortages in too many businesses have been a major headache.  “Tight” labor markets have led to higher payrolls…

Into The New Year …

As we start 2023, let’s take a look at a chart put out by the Chicago Fed, the Financial Conditions Index, which measures the current economic conditions in the US…

Are We There Yet? …

What parent has not heard that oft repeated question from the back seat of a car: “are we there yet”?  Usually, the repetition of the question picks up nearer the…

You’re Always On My Mind…

“YOU’RE ALWAYS ON MY MIND…….YOU’RE ALWAYS ON MY MIND……” Willie Nelson, Singer/Song writer Inflation is on everyone’s mind, all the time.  There is no economic indicator which carries as much…

The Only Thing…

“The only thing that’s new is the history you don’t know.” Harry S. Truman Anxiety, dread, sleepless nights – all valid descriptors of investor life today and for the past…

The China Brake, Money Supply and Inflation…

Not fully appreciated by those who worry loudly about U.S. inflation is the impact of a near flatlined Chinese economy on world inflation.  China is the world’s second biggest economy…

Let’s Add This Up…

Before trying to foretell too much about the future, let’s “set the table”.  Let’s see where we are economically, financially and sentimentally – then launch into what we may see. …

Real Estate – An Inflation Canary…

Residential real estate prices, after years of boom, look to be rolling over. Why have prices rolled over? Simply, it is a matter of price – the price of a…

Someone’s In A Mood…

In fact, a lot of people are in a mood and it’s a pretty foul mood. Understandably so, we would say, for there are quite a few things which are…

Well, We Got That Wrong…

Looking back at our year-end commentary, we did not think that Vladimir Putin would send his troops across the Ukrainian border and wreak havoc on his neighbor. We were obviously…